We Sell and Install Pallet Rack Nationwide

Orlando: 407-859-8750 | Tampa: 813-374-1133   

Orlando: 407-859-8750 | Tampa: 813-374-1133   


Pallet Shuttle

Orlando Office Number
Efficient, High-Density Storage

Pallet Shuttles

Pallet shuttles are a semi-automated technology capable of ultra-high density pallet storage. These systems utilize a shuttle that runs along tracks inside of racking similar to a drive-in or drive-through system. The shuttle is used to put-away and retrieve pallets deep within the rack.

The forklift operator can access pallets in the first position of the row and then control the shuttle using a WiFi-connected tablet. The operator can command the shuttle to empty an entire row, bring products to the front, or store products deep in the back. 

The speed and automation of the shuttle leads to massive gains in productivity, as the shuttle can run up and down each row as the forklift operator moves pallets between rows or to their final destination. 

Since the shuttle takes up so much less room than a traditional forklift, racking systems designed for shuttle-use can have best-in-class pallet storage densities. Versatile pallet shuttle systems can be designed for LIFO or FIFO storage. 

Pallet shuttles are the future of high density pallet storage and automation. Let Mid Florida Material Handling help you with your warehouse automation journey- give us a call today!

View the full product catalog here.

Interlake Pallet Shuttle Management Tablet
Pallet Shuttle Warehouse Chargers

Find out more about warehouse Automation

Contact us for more information – we can help with any of your material handling projects. We offer a wide variety of shelving and racking solutions for you warehouse. Please fill out the form to the right or reach out using the e-mail or phone below.


9856 South Orange Avenue
Orlando, Florida



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