We Sell and Install Pallet Rack Nationwide

Orlando: 407-859-8750 | Tampa: 813-374-1133   

Orlando: 407-859-8750 | Tampa: 813-374-1133   


Orlando Office Number

Move Pallets Easily

Vertical material lifts or VRC’s (Vertical Conveyor Systems) are elevators for moving goods, parts or pallets from one level of a warehouse to another. These are frequently installed as part of a mezzanine structure, allowing materials to be moved from the ground level up to the mezzanine level.

Material lifts provide a safe way to move heavy pallets or equipment in a much safer manner than using stairs. An operator simply loads the pallet or equipment on the material lift and simply clicks a button and the elevator raises to the second level.

Lifts can come in a variety of sizes and capacities, depending on your application. Some of the benefits of lifts are:

  • Move heavy objects safely
  • Move whole pallets to the mezzanine level
  • Reduces strain on the operator
  • Reasonably priced compared to alternatives

Mid Florida Material Handling has years of experience designing and installing vertical material lifts.  Contact us so we can find the lift that fits your needs!

Warehouse Pallet Racking System with Forklift
Warehouse Pallet Racks for Food and Beverage

Call Us Today About Our Vertical Material Lifts

Contact us for more information – we can help with any of your material handling projects. We can help you find what’s right for your application. Please fill out the form to the right or reach out using the e-mail or phone below.


9856 South Orange Avenue
Orlando, Florida



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